Friday, February 12, 2016

Why Fuel prices have not come down as much as the Crude . . . . ! ! !

Hi All,

Thought of sharing an interesting forward received on Whats App, makes sense, especially the inflation part....

Worth reading  -

Our Honourable PM Modiji has taken a conscious decision in not reducing the price of Petrol & Diesel significantly in tandem with the fall in crude price globally. Common man will be wondering how. But read the truth. " Modi Oil Policy" is one phenomenon viewed with awe by world over and admired by the intelligentsia. Despite the  fall in Crude prices from $108 to $27 per barrel in the international market during the last over 12 months, the Government did not reduce the price of Petrol and Diesel proportionately. Even some staunch supporters of Modi have expressed displeasure on this score. If Petrol is sold at Rs. 40-45 everyone will praise Modi, except a few insignificant bunch of Award Wapasees. Modi is well aware of this. This is the core difference between Modi and other politicians. Modi is keen on sound administration and not interested in earning mere flattery.
Now let us see why Modi is not reducing the price of Petrol and Diesel. First let us make a general view.

If the price of Petrol and Diesel is reduced the Government will earn applause but  there will not be any impact on the life of the common man. Will Bus, Taxi & Auto fare come down? Will freight charges reduce?. Will cost of food items in menu card come down? Will Air & Train fare come down? No. Vegetables, Grains, Clothes,medicines will continue to be available more or less at current rates only.

On the other hand if Petrol is available at Rs.40 the number of vehicles on road will just shoot up. This will fuel air pollution and curtail the use of public transportation which will be disastrous to our nation. But the main reason is not these factors.

It is a fact that India has benefited much by the fall in Crude prices during the last one year. Modi is aiming a GDP growth of 11.5% for India. That is to make India the biggest growing economy in the world. But statistics for the first half April to September 2015 shows that our growth is around 7.5% only that too despite curbing corruption and lavish spending. Tax collection was also much better. " Modi Oil Pricing Policy" is the outcome of the serious thought given to step up the growth of our nation. And this policy has earned laurels from the global leaders. Some of us become very vocal about countries like Pakistan selling Petrol at Rs.20-25.  But we conveniently forget about the extent of poverty there.

Let us see what is Modi Oil Pricing Policy. 

Oil prices have fallen by more than 70% from its all time peak. But Modi Government reduced Petrol and Diesel prices by 25-30% only.   The difference in profit 40% has been added to the exchequer by way of Excise Duty.  That is to say the Government has collected over Rs.1,50,000 crores on this count. To collect such huge amount of Indirect Tax in the normal course would have taken many years and huge effort. The master stroke is that agreements have been signed immediately for infrastructure development like building new roads, bridges, rail network etc by deploying this addition of Rs.1.5 lakh crores to the exchequer. This is going to generate over 50 lakh  employment opportunities. Cement and Steel industries are going to witness tremendous growth shortly. This will create job to more than One crore jobless people. The per capita income of India is bound to shoot up.  This is a great step towards Modi's aim of 11.5% GDP growth of India. If our growth reaches that level India will become the darling of Global Investors.  More and more projects will take shape. This will make India the most Prosperous nation in the world .

This is the reality. Had any one else been Indian  Prime Minister now, such a thoughtful and prudent decision is a far cry. That is Modi, a true visionary.

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