Friday, June 24, 2016

BREXIT.... Curse or Blessing.....

Hi All,

As we all know that one of the main things hovering around the world economy is the Brexit.... or Britain Exit from European Union.

Have gone through may articles, here is a small summary of what it is and how it affects global economies and India in specific,....

Brexit is an abbreviation of "British exit". It refers to the possibility that Britain will withdraw from the European Union. The counting of the votes is ongoing right now with Remain and Leave as the option... Leave is leading by 51% which means those who want Britain to exit are the ones in majority. 

Please click on the link - All you need to know about Brexit...

Click to read - Bad for Britain, Good for India

Verdict - 

I feel, though, the Brexit might give some short term pain for Indian markets in line with the world economy, finally it s going to offer a long term Gain for us in many ways explained in above articles.

Current status of the referendum states that Britain is likely to leave, as Leave are leading with majority votes, expect the markets to open down by around 200-250 points,

View on Markets - Though the initial shock can take markets down by more than 200 points in opening, a rally can be positive if the key supports are held,  even if Nifty breaches key support of 8000-8050, a relief rally can surely expected as the Exit is just a short term concern for India, and over long term it will be able to reap its benefits... Support below 8000 will be 7940..... 

